Airport Turns Pink Why?
In order to create an environment of good health and pink is the colour for cancer we expect all women staff, airport authority employees, Ground level employees and Passengers of airport should know about the breast cancer awareness and also understand that how to conduct self-examination and more. So, understand that breast cancer if detected early is completely curable and through this, we wish and expect that they not only will understand about breast cancer awareness but also share with their mother and sisters and continue to stay PINK OF HEALTH. We at India Turns Pink are
endeavouring to create awareness on breast cancer through Airports Authority of India and Kalyanmayee Association by this AIRPORT TURNS PINK initiative which is in line with our mission:
“Breast cancer free India by 2030”.
” Airport Turns Pink” is going to turn entire airport into pink for the month with Pink materials, Balloons, Lightning’s, Breast Cancer awareness Messages, Banners, Posters Luggage Tags, Brochures, Flyers and Stickers. As well as planned to organize programs in and around the airport terminals by inviting top celebrities, top government officials Medical specialist, Pink Ambassadors, AAI employees, Kalyanmayee members, Pink Warriors, Pink Volunteers, Corporates and General Public in order to raise awareness about Breast Cancer, to educate all women about what is breast cancer and
how do a Breast – Self – Examination and also do a breast cancer pre- screening.

October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month and India Turns Pink commemorated the observance by illuminating Chennai Airport and Airports Operations Building in Pink – reflecting the colour of the ribbon which serves as the symbol for the event.
“Breast Cancer Awareness Month… helps to increase attention and support for the awareness, early detection and treatment as well as palliative care of this disease,”says the World Health Organization (WHO). “ Early detection of the disease remains the cornerstone of breast cancer control. When breast cancer is detected early, and if adequate diagnosis and treatment are available, there is a good chance that breast cancer can be cured. If detected late, however, curative treatment is often no longer an option.”